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Kelly Bare, who owns the home at 805 Vistabula, offers this advice


Hi Michael,

I verified the age of the house (805 Vistabula St, just behind the library) through county records (title search) when I purchased it. I also did some research at the Lakeland library and found the house was built by a James Corley who also established the first furniture store in Lakeland. He also built the home next door (809 Vistabula St) for his brother.  


James Corley went on to establish a larger furniture store on Florida Ave in Lakeland (Corley-Oates Furniture) now known as the Oates building and still in use. Both homes and furniture store, now an office building, are in the Mediterranean Revival or Spanish design. 


I highly recommend that homeowners research their homes in the Lakeland library archives which also has telephone books back to the ‘teens.   Back then they listed the home address, owner and occupation as well as phone number. I hope this helps.

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